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      After Harry's birth, Diana started to make more public appearances. The shy Diana that everyone knew and loved morphed into a confident beautiful princess. She had the best stylists and designers and her looks changed constantly. She was on the cover of countless magazines. Everyone wanted to look like her. Diana was no longer just a superstar, but a fashion icon, and the public could not get enough of her.

       The princess took a special interest in helping the less fortunate and supported hundereds of charities around the world. In 1987, Diana agreed to open the first British hospital ward dedicated to patients with AIDS. At the time, there were many misunderstandings about the disease that lots of people would't even touch some of the patients. In order to show the public that the disease could not be spread through casual touch , Diana shook hands with several AIDS patients. Her willingness to make contact with them made a huge impact and changed the public's perception of AIDS. She went on to comfort many other patients in different hospitals around the country and was always reluctant to leave them. She said, "I think the biggest disease of this day and age is that of people feeling unloved." She also helped out at homeless shelters spending time with various families.

       Around 1993 Diana appeared at many charities and fundraisers. She traveled across the world representing the Red Cross, speaking at different events, visiting shelters, and helping others. Diana even worked alongside Mother Theresa to help leprosy patients. She helped raise an immense amount of awareness to landmines, walking out into one of the most dangerous minefields herself to help those in need. Her very presence made people pay attention.



Becoming Diana

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